
New MAPPING feature : Excel to Tally

Learn how to use the mapping feature to import your excel data into Tally ERP 9.
Video in English | Video in Hindi

About udiMagic Software

udiMagic is an application that helps you import data into Tally ERP, quickly and easily. It is created and distributed by Shweta Softwares and was first launched in 2007.

You can carry udiMagic in a USB Flash drive [travel license] and use it on any Computer with any Tally version. It supports a wide range of pre-designed Excel templates with Tally GST features. You can also map your excel sheet to one of the Standard excel templates or simply create a new template using the free online Template Builder tool.

GST Ready Excel to Tally ERP converter
udiMagic is a now GST ready. Import all vouchers, masters data in Tally ERP using a wide range of Excel templates.
Auto create masters using udiMagic
Ledgers, StockItem masters are automatically created before importing the vouchers in Tally.
udiMagic licensing methods
Activate udiMagic on a USB Flash drive and use it on any Computer. See FAQ points 3 and 20.

A simple Excel to tally coverter available for 1 month at low cost
Avaliable on Rent for ONE month at very low cost.
Import 5000 records from Excel to Tally ERP in 5 min
Import 5000 records from Excel to Tally in 5 minutes using udiMagic software.
udiMagic licensing
No need to surrender udiMagic license. No more hassles.

Shift udiMagic license to another PC
Simply plug-in the USB flash drive in another computer and start using udiMagic software.
udiMagic Limited Edition
Imports only Financial data (without inventory) into Tally.
Buy udiMagic Software online, easy and instant checkout
udiMagic license is automatically sent by email within few seconds.

How does udiMagic work?

If you are new to udiMagic converter, this is the right place to start. Follow these step-by-step instructions to import excel data in Tally.

Install udiMagic

Installing udiMagic is quite easy and simple. Let's get started.

  1. Download the latest version of udiMagic software
  2. Run the setup to install

Upon successfull installation, you shall get udiMagic shortcut on the desktop.

Create a Company in Tally

To import excel data into Tally Software, you will need a Company. Let's create one.

  1. Open Tally Software
  2. Select option : Create Company
  3. Enter the Company Name as 'UDIMagic DEMO'
  4. Enter the other Company details as required
  5. Press Ctrl+A to save Company
  6. Next, minimize Tally Software

Import data from Excel to Tally

Let's now import the Excel data into Tally Software.

  1. Start udiMagic software
  2. Select option : Excel to Tally
  3. Select option : Import data into Tally
  4. Select Excel File : Any XLS template
    (Select any template provided with udiMagic)
  5. Click the Start button
To view the data imported in Tally, use the option Gateway of Tally >> Display >> Daybook

1. Before starting udiMagic, ensure that Tally Software is running and a Company is open.
2. To upload data into Tally Software, use the 'Standard Excel templates' provided in c:\udiMagicDemo folder.
3. Refer the notes given in each template.

Getting Started

A quick tour of how to import data from Excel into Tally Software using udiMagic.

UNDO Entries

If you have wrongly imported data from Excel into Tally, you can undo the entries anytime.

Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is achieved.
Swami Vivekananda